I'm from the HH and this movie makes me rofl. Unfortunatly I have no idea when we test the next missiles, but you may just find out when they are launched...
I'm from the HH and this movie makes me rofl. Unfortunatly I have no idea when we test the next missiles, but you may just find out when they are launched...
Your sexy.
haha crazy
w00t we did it again!
XD <3
Indeed <3
nicely done
phantom hippie here :)
well done guys, nice collab. and goatse gang DOES fail.
hey, phantom hippie here :D
nice job on the first collab of the hh. i hope to see more, im planning on starting one.
keep up the good work!
Heh heh
Lol, something original is usually something good. But the sound... Speak up a bit into your mic.
Yeah, in a while im planning to redo this flash, cause this one has bad quality and stuff...
that was gay when it started it was gay before it even started because u wrote ur name as "illwillpress" and i suggest you change it because if you pretend to be someone else people think ur a gay try hard cock sucking poser.
end of story.
Good point...
I used to visit eBaum's a lot, I was never a member though. Then I came to Newgrounds, and I realized/told by people like you what a scum eBaum is. To think I would turn againts a website I used to love! But hey, if he's doin illegal things and making money of other people's work, I'm not going to turn back. This was a great movie/song, it really points out the bad work eBaum is doing, and how much money he is making off stealing.
i > you
Joined on 10/6/05